
Joyyful Junction
  • WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? (Marathi ) Author : Spencer Johnson
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    WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? (Marathi ) Author : Spencer Johnson
    Rs. 267.00
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    Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for...
  • WHY ARE WE CREATED? Author : John Marks Templeton with Rebekah Dunlap
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    WHY ARE WE CREATED? Author : John Marks Templeton with Rebekah Dunlap
    Rs. 176.00
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    Rs. 176.00
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    Who are we? Why are we created? What is our purpose on earth? These are but some of the questions raised in this thought provoking book. The authors encourage us...
  • Why do they say wolves are bad? Quentin Greban
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    Why do they say wolves are bad? Quentin Greban
    Rs. 135.00
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    Rs. 135.00
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    Everyone says wolves are bad. But let me tell you why that is.Long time ago, there lived a wolf. He was not yet a big bad wolf but one day...
  • Why Does It Happen In My Life? by  Manoj Ambike
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    Why Does It Happen In My Life? by Manoj Ambike
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    Rs. 152.00
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    Why Does It Happen In My Life? by  Manoj Ambike
  • Why Does It Happen In My Life? By Manoj Ambike
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    Why Does It Happen In My Life? By Manoj Ambike
    Rs. 155.00
    Rs. 175.00
    Rs. 155.00
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    Why Does It Happen In My Life? Unraveling the secret behind the happenings in life Why do I exist? Why this? Why not that? The problem converses with you How...
  • Why I'm Still Married By Karen Propp, Jean Trounstine
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    Why I'm Still Married By Karen Propp, Jean Trounstine
    Rs. 91.00
    Rs. 101.00
    Rs. 91.00
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    "Writing with astonishing honesty and refreshing clarity, the 24 authors in this revelatory collection offer readers the unusual pleasure of looking inside other people`s marriages to see what we can...

Author : Allan & Barbara Pease
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    WHY MEN DON'T LISTEN & WOMEN CAN'T READ MAPS Author : Allan & Barbara Pease
    Rs. 400.00
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    Rs. 400.00
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    Fascinating insight into the basic differences between men and women. Humorous and easy to read, it helps analyze and deal with the conflicts arising out of these basic but often...
  • Why Men Don't Listen And Women Can't Read Maps By Allan Pease, Barbara Pease Translated By Shubhada Vidvans
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    Why Men Don't Listen And Women Can't Read Maps By Allan Pease, Barbara Pease Translated By Shubhada Vidvans
    Rs. 126.00
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    Rs. 126.00
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    स्त्री व पुरुष यांच्यातील नातेसंबंध बिघडतात ह्याचे कारण म्हणजे पुरुषांना हे समजत नाही की बायका त्यांच्यासारख्या का नाहीत; आणि बायकांना वाटते की आपण जसे करतो तसे पुरुष का करत नाहीत....
  • WHY MEN LIE & WOMEN CRY Author : Allan & Barbara Pease
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    WHY MEN LIE & WOMEN CRY Author : Allan & Barbara Pease
    Rs. 259.00
    Rs. 399.00
    Rs. 259.00
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    Why do men lie? Why do they feel they have to be right about everything? Why do women cry to get their own way? Why do they insist on talking...

Author : Allan & Barbara Pease
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    WHY MEN WANT SEX & WOMEN NEED LOVE Author : Allan & Barbara Pease
    Rs. 359.00
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    Rs. 359.00
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  • WHY MEN WANT SEX & WOMEN NEED LOVE BY Allan and Barbara Pease
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    WHY MEN WANT SEX & WOMEN NEED LOVE BY Allan and Barbara Pease
    Rs. 275.00
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  • Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog By Lisa Scottoline
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    Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog By Lisa Scottoline
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    Rs. 90.00
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    स्त्रियांनो, हे पुस्तक तुमच्यासाठी आहे. या लेखनाची शैली आहे अनौपचारिक, गप्पा मारल्यासारखी. यातून लेखिका विनोदी शैलीत तिच्या आयुष्यात घडलेले घटना-प्रसंग तुमच्याशी शेअर करते, गंभीर विषयांना हात घालते. हे शेअरिंग करताना...
  • Why Nations Fail The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson
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    Why Nations Fail The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson
    Rs. 99.00
    Rs. 514.00
    Rs. 99.00
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    Why Nations Fail is a thoroughly researched and comprehensive analysis of the factors that determine a nation's success or failure. Drawing on historical examples and rigorous economic and political analysis,...
  • WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH ( Marathi ) Author : Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump
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    WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH ( Marathi ) Author : Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump
    Rs. 537.00
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    Rs. 537.00
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    This is the Marathi translation of WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH. Bestselling author and motivational speaker Robert Kiyosaki and celebrity rich man Donald Trump have joined forces to...
  • WHY-WE-SLEEP-Matthew-Walker आपण का झोपतो? -मॅथ्यू वॉकर
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    WHY-WE-SLEEP-Matthew-Walker आपण का झोपतो? -मॅथ्यू वॉकर
    Rs. 300.00
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    Rs. 300.00
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    ‘या पुस्तकातून एक मेंदूविज्ञान शास्त्रज्ञ आपल्याला दाखवून देतो, की रात्री चांगली झोप घेतल्यास आपण अधिक हुशार, अधिक आकर्षक, सडपातळ, आनंदी आणि निरोगी होऊ कतो, तसंच कर्करोगालाही आपल्यापासून चार हात लांब ठेवू शकतो... खरंच या...
  • Wide Awake Jake Rachel Elliot
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    Wide Awake Jake Rachel Elliot
    Rs. 160.00
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    Rs. 160.00
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    Jake is wide awake. His Mum suggests he pretends to be other animals, while his Dad is not so helpful. But whatever they suggest, he is still wide awake. But...
  • William Shakespeare  Jeevan ani Sahitya By K R Shirwadkar
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    William Shakespeare Jeevan Ani Sahitya By K R Shirwadkar
    Rs. 297.00
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    Rs. 297.00
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    'जीवनातले सत्य अन् मिथ्य, सौंदर्य अन् कुरूपता, शाश्वतता अन् क्षणभंगुरता, निष्ठा अन् द्रोह, प्रेम अन् वैर, विचार, विकार, वासना,कल्पना अन् भावना या साऱ्यांचे आपल्या प्रतिभेच्या मुशीतून त्याने अद्भुत रसायन बनवले...
  • Willy The Tomcat Who Grew and Grew Hans Traxler
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    Willy The Tomcat Who Grew and Grew Hans Traxler
    Rs. 88.00
    Rs. 100.00
    Rs. 88.00
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    Willy isn’t a normal tomcat. He doesn’t stop growing like other cats after they are a year old. Soon he is as large as a hippo! The Lohmeiers begin to...
  • Wimbledonchya Trunanganwar by Shrikant Lagu
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    Wimbledonchya Trunanganwar By Shrikant Lagu
    Rs. 36.00
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    Rs. 36.00
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    विम्बल्डन टेनिसच्या जगतातील महायोध्दयांची रणभूमी. जगज्जेतेपदासाठी त्यांची चाललेली झुंज. विम्बल्डनच्या तृणांगणावर नुसते सामने रंगत नाहीत तर एक बेभान, भन्नाट विश्वच साकारतं. त्या तृणांगणावरच्या ओलसर हिरवाईची जादू भारावून टाकते. विम्बल्डनचा रोमहर्षक...
  • Wimukta Bhatkyanche Swatantrya? | विमुक्त भटक्यांचे स्वातंत्र्य? by  AUTHOR :- Lakshman Gaikwad
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    Wimukta Bhatkyanche Swatantrya? | विमुक्त भटक्यांचे स्वातंत्र्य? by AUTHOR :- Lakshman Gaikwad
    Rs. 204.00
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    डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांमुळे गावगाड्यातल्या अस्पृश्य जातींना संविधानातला अधिकार मिळाला. ठक्कर बप्पांमुळे जंगलातल्या आदिवासींना संविधानाच्या अंतर्गत संरक्षण मिळाले. गावगाड्यात अस्पृश्य जातीना मांगवाडा, चांभारवाडा, ढोरवाडा, महारवाडा होता; तर जंगलात राहणाऱ्या आदिवासींना जंगलामध्ये...
  • Winsten Chuchil विन्स्टन चर्चिल by V.G. Kanitkar  वि.ग.कानिटकर
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    Winsten Chuchil विन्स्टन चर्चिल by V.G. Kanitkar वि.ग.कानिटकर
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    Rs. 538.00
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    Winsten Chuchil विन्स्टन चर्चिल by V.G. Kanitkar  वि.ग.कानिटकर
  • Wise & Otherwise By Sudha Murty
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    Wise & Otherwise By Sudha Murty
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    Rs. 197.00
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    आपल्या व्यवसायात कार्यमग्न असतानाही सामाजिक भान ठेवून टिपलेल्या अनुभवांचे हे लेखन. भारताच्या आर्थिकदृष्ट्या अत्यंत मागासभागांमध्ये सुधा मूर्ती यांनी भटकंती केली आहे. त्या पायी फिरल्या आहेत, त्यांनी बसनंही प्रवास केला आहे....
  • Wise and Otherwise
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    Wise and Otherwise
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    Rs. 225.00
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    In Sudha Murthy's most celebrated work of non-fiction, fifty vignettes showcase the myriad shades of human nature. A man dumps his aged father in an old-age home after declaring him...
  • Wise Counsel For Parents By Manoj Ambike
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    Wise Counsel For Parents By Manoj Ambike
    Rs. 270.00
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    Rs. 270.00
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    The thought, ‘Should the paper be converted to trash or a certificate’ depends upon the parents. It is the parents who can decide whether the paper should be trash or...