Giant or Dwarf?
Lemuel Gulliver can never be satisfied with the staid life of a country doctor. He craves excitement, adventure, new lands and new people. And so he sets out on a voyage of discovery only to be washed away by a terrible storm that shores him to the most amazing land. This is Lilliput, the land of people less that 6 inches tall! Lilliputians fight with their neighbours, the Blefuscudians, over the interpretation of a reference in their common holy scripture to the proper way to eat eggs.
Gulliver’s second voyage takes him to Brobdingnag, the land of the 60-feet tall giants, where he is even smaller than a rat! Fighting against all odds, Gulliver keeps his spirit alive and is always alert. His escapades are truly exciting in both these contrasting worlds. Jonathan Swift has woven a great tale of adventure that delights young and old alike.
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